
• WordPress websites

• Customised functionality

• Linux administration

• PHP code

We specialize in Web Design and IT Support & maintenance for local businesses and charities in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

Does your project need me ?

Design & Create

We design, create and develop websites which enable you to take advantage of digital trends. A forward thinking approach builds in options for growth at an early stage.


Continuous improvement

We understand that your needs change and evolve over time. We carefully select the most appropriate and suitable systems which enable us to continually adapt your website to suite your requirements. We are always looking to improve and update how best can serve you.


Deploy & intergrate

We have seamless process for deploying digital concepts directly to the internet. We make use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to ensure it is visible and enhance its online presence. We are able to integrate email services and online advertising.


Support & continuity

We understand that your needs change and evolve over time. We carefully select the most appropriate and suitable systems which enable us to continually adapt your website to suite your requirements. We are always looking to improve and update how best can serve you.


Website development

We use WordPress to develop and create a website which may include custom functionality to suit your needs. I find it is suitable and flexible and maintainable.

Specialist requirements

Some tasks include specialist client requirements. Implementing software to perform a unique task.


Sometimes things break and you don't know who can fix it. It may be hardware or software related and we have the ability to pinpoint and rectify what the problem is.
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Magento There was a problem processing your request

  Magento Version Admin System Configuration Design Error This a problem existed during a new installation. Although everything seemed fine during the installation of a new theme I encounter the dreaded: “There was a problem processing your request” screen. This was found to be a ‘cache’ issue and the fix is shown below. Locate…

“We are able to sell products to our requirements. I definitely will recommend your awesome services to everyone.”


Director at Beckiboo

“Boomdata totally changed the website giving us a more modern look. We can now add our own content when we like. ”


Director at Elite Cladding

Can I help you ?

Contact me to discuss what you need.